T-Rex boss rework idea

Forum Game Ideas T-Rex boss rework idea

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    To be honest, T-rex feels like a completely out of place boss in this game. The game literally has an array of bosses based off mythical and magical creatures and amidst it is a real life dinosaur. But it in itself isn’t an issue, but instead it adds on to other problems, like lack of useful or exclusive loot and not even being good for farming xp. And to top it off, instead of having a special location to spawn, it just randomly appears in a greens biome for absolutely no reason. So, for these reasons, I believe it deserves justice and a rework, so I propose my personal vision of it. First of all – loot. In the game, the T-Rex has this concept of this feral beast, cursed by never-ending hunger, I mean, its spawner literally requires 80 raw meat to create and it mainly drops food when killed. So that’s where my first concept stems from. I called it the dinosaur skull. It’s a wearable helmet that can also potentially be used as a crafting material, but that’s for later. This helmet provides you with 8 armor and has other effects: the character has movement speed increases by 1.25, melee damage by 10 and health regeneration by 0.7, BUT these buffs come at a cost – your character now has max hunger reduced by 65% and on top that, hunger regeneration is decreased by 0.5, so now you’ll have to pay more attention to the hunger bar and food supply. Next, the new biome/structure – the excavation site. Found in the desert (usually branching out from cave entrances), these places contain fossil blocks which, to not complicate the game too much, instead of containing random stuff, will come in specific variations with specific loot inside, which can be used at a boiler (since it’s barely used anyway) to get specific stuff, most of them having bones, skulls and dinosaur bones. Dinosaur bones could potentially be used in already existing crafts (like goblin pickaxe and angel swords), as well as in potential new crafts. In this biome, there would also be the T-Rex remains, which at least one of is guaranteed to spawn in the excavation site. Using life magic on the remains would revive the T-Rex, starting the boss fight. T-Rex would have pretty much the same place in progression and it could also potentially have a goblin warrior side questline about it, as I believe it’s quite unfair since his brother, goblin angel, got such a glow-up. The excavation site would be this big deepening in the ground, filled with sandstone, mixed with fossil instead of ores (potentially even being the sandstone analogue of ores) that generally doesn’t go too deep underground and will have this noticeably deeper pit where the remains are located. The fight itself could also have some changes, though, not too crazy, not necessarily too different from the current attack-retreat-charge cycle (let’s keep our expectations realistic), but instead of the charge, the T-Rex could jump in the air and stomp the ground, creating an earthquake attack, doing aoe earth damage in a radius (which would make the fight a little more challenging, as it would be harder to overwhelm with pets) and… That’s pretty much it. I believe these changes would give the T-Rex a place in progression and a little bit more of a purpose in the game altogether
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  • Replies
    Good idea, i will think about this.
    There isn’t much better than a wide open game world in which you have essentially no limits and can alter the very landscape in which you play – that is, unless you add dragons, of course…
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