
Forum General Rules

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    1) Keep everything here friendly! Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Behavior that breaks this rule includes, but is not limited to drama, abusive or malicious content, hate speech, etc. Everyone here will be treated equally. No exceptions!

    2) Do not spam. If staff says it’s spam, it’s probably spam.

    3) No NSFW of any kind. This means no nudity/porn or overuse of blood and gore. If you aren’t sure if you can post something, then you probably shouldn’t.

    4) Keep content in their respective channels (Questions in Help Section, ideas in Game Ideas, etc.).

    5) Do not minimod or act on our behalf. We know what we are doing.

    6) If you are posting a game idea, make sure it’s not a duplicated idea.

    7) No advertising or self promotion of any kind. You’re allowed to share any artwork or videos relating to Block Story you have made, but do not use this as a way to gain followers/subscribers.

    8) Please use only one account here. If you’re caught with an alt (meaning having more than one account here), all of your detected accounts will be kicked. If you lost your account, contact a staff member, and we will restore everything to the best of our abilities and deal with your old account.

    9) USE COMMON SENSE!!!! Just because something isn’t specified directly in the rules doesn’t mean you’re allowed to get away with it. You will be held accountable for any and all questionable actions you do on this site, and passing something off as a “joke” will not help your case.

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Xcellorator.
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Replies
    Wait a minute, these rules seem familiar… lol
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Michan.
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)


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