Experience gained for crafting

Forum Game Ideas Experience gained for crafting

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    Tyrone Funk
    Arrows are so time consuming to craft. We need experience for crafting things like this or for dual sword recipies.


    Here’s the benefits: it will make block story more independent on the theme, no game rewards crafting that is the same style As blockstory (minecraft, pokemon, etc…)


    Experience given when crafting won’t feel like your wasting time. It coild reward players more for more rare end game items and less for beginner items (not things like logs to planks or things like that)

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>So basically equipment should give experience because if you craft a sword you are doing something that could (hypotheticaly) strengthen your hands or arms. Arrows, your dexterity and these themes should be awarded with experience to make it feel like the effort is rewarded.</p>

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